Reframe Your Thoughts: Your Mindful Exercise for Today

There is one person in the entire world who we spend most of our time with, and that's ourselves. We experience firsthand our most happy, sad, exciting, and emotional moments. We have a continuous self dialog that happens and that voice has the ability to take us up or down. How do we know where that voice is taking us? First, let's look at how we approach new situations or situations that we deem uncomfortable. How do we react to them and how does it feel in our bodies? Do we take on new challenges with tenacity, excited to go forth even If we are moving through fear at the same time, or do we hesitate, feel like maybe we won't succeed, develop impostor syndrome, or do the voices of self doubt creep in? Once we notice what our first reaction to these type of situations are, we can tell a lot about our overall mindset. The quality of our thoughts have the ability to result to the quality of our life experience. Our inner world shapes our outer world. Let's get started.

  1. When things don't go as planned, how do you react? Does it feel like a high stress situation, or do you easily adapt to your surroundings?

  2. When you look in the mirror, what comes to mind? Are your thoughts supportive of who you are, or do words of judgement arise?

3. Think of three situations in your life that you have limiting beliefs around. Write them in one column on a piece of paper. Next to these limiting belief, rewrite belief into something that is uplifting to the situation, something that you feel progress around

4. Think of three limiting beliefs you feel about yourself. Write them on a piece of paper in one column. Next to these, rewrite those beliefs to something that allows you to feel confident, positive, and joyous.

Keep in mind that reframing our thoughts is a work in progress and once we work at it everyday, we begin to see the effects all throughout our surroundings. Be kind to yourself.


31 Day August Challenge - Day 1


How we can integrate the 8 Limbs of Yoga in every day life