Your Mornings Matter
Do you ever get up in the morning and instantly think about how much you have to do that day, start checking your emails immediately and you're mentally in the next moment before your body is? I'm guessing the answer is Yes, because we've all done it. Now, its possible to still have a good day even if our morning isn't the most relaxing, but it's even more possible to have a great day when your morning is. It's important to note that having a great morning isn't saying that outside influences won't come in and try to disrupt it, because they will. It's not about controlling the circumstances around us, it's about controlling how we respond to things as soon as we wake up. To have a great morning we have to intentionally make that happen, and this comes with knowing what makes us feel good. Everyones "great morning" will look different because we all have different needs and preferences. If you're someone who thrives in high energy situations, maybe your morning looks like waking up, doing some energizing breath work and breaking a sweat in a workout before the day begins. If you're someone who likes to take it slow, maybe your morning consists of waking up slowly, doing some journaling while still in bed, and cook a comforting breakfast. Maybe you're a mix of both these things. Whichever it is, try to refrain from checking on emails or updates until you've taken care of yourself first. Once you've filled your own cup, it won't be as daunting to fill everyone else's. Interactions with your peers will feel more like an energy exchange instead of just another motion of the day to get through. Practice using your intention to feel good every morning and be sure to remember it's a like a muscle, the more you work at it, the easier it will get.